伊卡迪 2019-2-27 10:32:33 洛基


山無陵 2019-2-27 11:29:46 屌,佢吹其他咪又係明幫國米啲對手,同唔罰有分別咩
佈景輝 2019-2-27 13:42:28 自己踢好d


Lucio 2019-2-27 16:06:27 今場踢得唔錯啦
從前有三隻蝦 2019-2-27 20:18:00 82 IG自由鷹
柒擒柒縱 2019-2-27 21:10:59

金信 2019-2-27 23:29:24 啲報紙又話佢為左啲細路會留係意大利
三百分女友 2019-2-28 02:31:04 此回覆已被刪除
Bombalabom 2019-2-28 02:36:42 即係幾錢
柒擒柒縱 2019-2-28 07:45:12 暫定599
Bombalabom 2019-2-28 08:25:58 咁平又吸引喎


柒擒柒縱 2019-2-28 08:40:03 球迷版
Bombalabom 2019-2-28 08:53:06 我見官網3月9先有得買
極地藍 2019-2-28 09:18:14 基達傷咁耐,睇來最後都係彈鐘/借多季...
轆已甩 2019-2-28 09:25:34 窮...
尼恩高蘭 2019-3-1 02:07:44 im9 開左個新POST打左好多野
有冇人搵到外國FORUM 有翻譯
三百分女友 2019-3-1 02:10:15 此回覆已被刪除
尼恩高蘭 2019-3-1 02:18:39 From Facebook:
And in the most difficult moments, true love is shown.
And in those moments that I decided to stay at Inter, with Inter.
When I felt that with my goals I could help Inter to be stronger, of many things.
Stronger than financial fair play problems. Stronger than our difficulties, when there were so many
to judge that as a team we were not worth much.
At Inter. With Inter.
And despite everything, I've always decided to stay. And for the love of these colors.
I have refused offers that hardly a professional player would have refused, the more in
similar conditions.
I played with physical pains that brought me to tears after the game, and in the following days.
But I have always just insisted on taking the field, even against medical advice.
Because going on the pitch I managed to forget every pain, with the only goal to give
all I could to help these colors.
The st. With the inter
For LOVE of the Nerazzurri colors.
Because there is only Inter.
I showed my children that we must keep hope.
I taught him that winning is difficult, but that doing it with Inter has a unique meaning, that only one
true Interista can understand, and feel.
My children's eyes do not lie.

This love for Inter has learned it in my house.
I realized my dream, I realized the dream of all of us Inter, returning to the Champions League
League, with the team I was captain of.
Because I have always felt and transmitted love for these colors.

I have always disapproved of those who at the first opportunity tried to leave the club.
I respected the fans, my team-mates, the club, and all the coaches that passed during the
my stay.
I have collaborated with the club, both on and off the pitch, in the inclusion of each new player,
showing him that only with passion could we reach our goals.
I know what love is for Inter, and Inter fans know this because they saw how much I suffered,
cried, fought and finally rejoiced for these colors
At Inter. With Inter.

But as said, all the sacrifices were made for the love of these colors, and respecting everyone

I do not know if at this moment there is love and respect towards the Inter and towards me by some
who make decisions.
I do not know if there is somebody's desire to act and solve things only and exclusively for
love of Inter.
Many things can happen in a family, good or bad.
And out of love you can endure a lot, of everything.
But respect must never be lacking.
These are my values, these are the values ​​for which I have always struggled.
In my story. At Inter. With Inter.

尼恩高蘭 2019-3-1 02:19:14 懶人包: 佢好愛INTER,唔會走
靜啦你 2019-3-1 02:47:28 但條八婆繼續嘈 佢最後都係會走
域仙奴 2019-3-1 02:52:22 早排睇新聞好似話已經復操


中村俊輔 2019-3-1 07:49:45 咁愛既炒左汪達先啦
雲呢拿味可樂 2019-3-1 08:16:09 最尾果段似係有骨
雲呢拿味可樂 2019-3-1 08:16:58 Goal.com ig成班獌 鍠同軌迷叫春想簽82
金信 2019-3-1 08:30:06 篇野都明示佢唔妥p44同馬生1個成日想走1個拎走佢隊長身份