I bank 投行 你問我答
也許只能如此 2019-2-22 22:00:09 佢係咪份人好悶



老矣漆耗 2019-2-22 22:43:51
豬紅粥 2019-2-22 22:46:58 I am sorry ching my bro I had only proven myself to be a utter creep I hope you accept this apology
落塵 2019-2-22 23:16:46 而家先知 好似已經遲咗
而家搵Year 1 intern 好似都有啲趕

最衰冇早啲有咁嘅awareness 去build up network for career
住在澳洲的巴打 2019-2-22 23:38:20
白色岸狗狗 2019-2-22 23:54:04
Raichu 2019-2-23 00:04:27 都可以再試試cold email 嘅你有namecard gawa
Ha99y 2019-2-23 00:34:54
Ha99y 2019-2-23 00:35:51
一樣 2019-2-23 00:41:36
SegFault 2019-2-23 01:04:33 做咩姐你。。。


十賭九燈 2019-2-23 01:15:17 此回覆已被刪除
豬紅粥 2019-2-23 01:28:42 Year 1 non-law major at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I want to reduce risk of unempolybility through diversifying.

I am sorry newbie here have no clue on semi-target just guessing based on what my primary school friend from Loughborough told me
貓頭 2019-2-23 01:32:45 乜撚野unemploybility
豬紅粥 2019-2-23 01:42:53 I know I am made a massive blunder and being defensive and all that I really regret committing this nonsense and is 100% ashamed of myself that I have gone astray and crossed my boundaries

Anyways when you said I can't talk in excess once I reach fo or other magic circle in the world of banking are you trying to say I should only talk about things that are constructive, i.e., will subsequently lead to a positive outcome on paper and nothing more no gossip no girls no nothing and be concise af with seniors

Please shed some insight on i banking etiquettes for the lads if there are girls out here but I reckon this forum is 99.9% lads
Thanks Bro Raichu
豬紅粥 2019-2-23 01:45:06 yes what a lunatic
白色岸狗狗 2019-2-23 07:51:17
白色岸狗狗 2019-2-23 07:54:51 難得有高手post 可唔可以問埋PE同IBD有乜分別 佢地做嘅deal有咩唔同?
飄逸 2019-2-23 08:24:34 自己學下LBOmodelling 就知個分別係邊到
也許只能如此 2019-2-23 08:40:37 呢兩個差得有d遠啵 投行做ipo ma prop trading
cap raising structured products market maker
私募做買做得衰既公司 整翻靚再賣
好息之徒 2019-2-23 08:56:11 此回覆已被刪除


白色岸狗狗 2019-2-23 08:59:52
滿杯西袖 2019-2-23 09:53:17 China bond yield 吸引.. 俾d equity / private debt /AT1 / perp 你研究..你話正.. 你上面d investment committee 都唔批啦
Ha99y 2019-2-23 11:20:16
毒男十號 2019-2-23 11:42:42 pe做buyout, growth, venture capital, distressed, private credit, real estate, infrastructure etc.
基本上買non listed資產嘅fund都叫pe

Buyout (you basically buy the whole company and think ways to add value via expansion, operational improvements etc.)
Growth (Minority stake in relatively mature growing private companies that already have revenue such as Uber, Didi)
Venture Capital (Minority stake in companies that don’t have any / minimal revenue maybe such as buying 小米 ten+ years ago)