I bank 投行 你問我答
也許只能如此 2019-2-21 23:41:34 係咪都係果幾招cold mail cold call coffee chat

在下唔係target school。。要靠人幫手refer下先搞得掂


住在澳洲的巴打 2019-2-21 23:42:12
TC 2019-2-21 23:45:09 多謝呀!
唉呢排好 depressed
身邊d friends等開工
我就要prep interview
仲要未必有offer 😅
豬紅粥 2019-2-21 23:45:12 sor 我見識少以為semi target係top5打後
豬紅粥 2019-2-21 23:49:21 cold mail cold call coffee chat
are you for real?
honestly not 串 you but did it work out for you just curious
豬紅粥 2019-2-21 23:53:06 聽人講有人畢業就做pe
豬紅粥 2019-2-21 23:55:42 認真問ching有無見過爆冷例子
例如 semi-target non-target 小康入 pe or i
毒男十號 2019-2-21 23:56:02 Coffee chat is one of the most common ways of networking in the industry. This is really useful, you just need to be proactive
毒男十號 2019-2-21 23:59:05 如果畢業就做到有返咁上下size嘅pe,基本上一定有ibd intern experience
也許只能如此 2019-2-22 00:00:17
surprise that you found these "cheesy" method surprise
thats just what ppl do all these years
豬紅粥 2019-2-22 00:00:41 really 如果樓上講嘅係真SC跳槽去 top pe 應該係top performer點解會比GS lay off?純屬黑仔或pure jealousy?


毒男十號 2019-2-22 00:04:41 有,但多數都係大陸人
豬紅粥 2019-2-22 00:10:29 No I do not find it cheesy and hat off to ppl who do it

I am just curious how many student actually bag a job after all these effort

FYL I just do not have the courage to do it at this stage with acne and being too skinny
也許只能如此 2019-2-22 00:16:07 with all due respect bro, its ib we talking about

gotta do whatever it takes to get an offer especially for those who do not have strong background
if you not committed to this role... you aint about that life
sorry for sounding like a 中二病 but thats what it is
豬紅粥 2019-2-22 00:17:53 佢好似讀 princeton campus recruitment

有 ibd experience 同SC比少80%

但 he is not that fit but confident af and literally top 0.01% grade wise

SC stated that she did about 10 in an interview
豬紅粥 2019-2-22 00:22:21 lol did not know what form 2 syndrome was had to look that up

lol let's be aggressive af IB this cutthroat industry

豬紅粥 2019-2-22 00:24:30 the underdog must be fit af charismatic af and smart af

三叔驚甩屎碌柒 2019-2-22 00:28:57 正常人做5年有幾錢
一樣 2019-2-22 00:31:23 Front office fg都已經依個價/再高d啦
D.Drogba 2019-2-22 00:33:21 FG FO basic 已唔止
烚下烚下人 2019-2-22 00:33:27 香港人已經輸左至少1/3 , 同內地人相比


三叔驚甩屎碌柒 2019-2-22 00:34:14 入錯行慘過投錯胎

烚下烚下人 2019-2-22 00:35:58 識有個 hku 讀food nutrition 的朋友仔, UG GPA 得果3左右, 去左UBC exchange 1年, 讀finance, exchange GPA 接近4, 之後去左PE 做一年placement, defer 左2年, 而家係法興做緊IBD.....
烚下烚下人 2019-2-22 00:37:27 coffee chat 我未玩過........., 之前有機會, 但剛返新工, 行唔開, 又唔敢射波去coffee chat
D.Drogba 2019-2-22 00:39:18 即係唔係FG入
做完big 4/ MBA入又係另一條路