Nikon 討論/貼圖區 (8) Z mount 大三元幾時有
Archaeology 2019-3-7 11:12:34 咁講你接受到, 人地都可以接受唔到


SimonChoiSay 2019-3-7 16:21:22 此回覆已被刪除
珉周掟個彎就到 2019-3-7 16:33:02 但個直倒無快門制
真係for 裝多粒電
四架坦克 2019-3-7 17:02:01 CP+ 響玻璃箱有show個電夾,仲仍然係3D print一舊膠既prototype黎
SimonChoiSay 2019-3-7 17:55:04 此回覆已被刪除
四架坦克 2019-3-7 17:57:49

油炸村姑 2019-3-7 18:21:09 留意返個grip最右個轉輪位 唔係對位z7個螺絲位

可能根本冇打算幫z6 z7出grip
四架坦克 2019-3-7 18:56:15 其實係咪可以update firmware令到部野可以經type-C拎電+影相(衣家好似唔得?)
油炸村姑 2019-3-7 18:57:54 如果係咁我寧願佢唔好出

烏鴉 2019-3-7 20:16:18 我只可以話唔同時代唔同人有唔同標準,
隱姓 2019-3-7 20:18:56 此回覆已被刪除


russellWestbrook 2019-3-7 20:27:41 我意思只係話操好d 技術同學好構圖,發揮器材極限,就算菲林都出到好相,而唔係未影得好就覺得器材唔得
russellWestbrook 2019-3-7 20:29:48 見到個evf 咁撚大個,其實無反年代,evf 仲有咩實用價值。。。電又耗多d, 咁近睇得多又傷眼,唔通純粹為左型?
russellWestbrook 2019-3-7 20:59:52 At CP+ in Japan Nikon was showing the NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S, the first ultra-wide-angle zoom lens for the Nikon Z full-frame mirrorless camera system, as well as the NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8 S.

NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S
NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S & 24-70mm f/2.8 S lenses at CP+ 2019

The lens is very compact and lightweight at just 1.07lbs (485g). It is considerably lighter and smaller than both the Nikon 16-35mm f/4G ED VR lens and the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G ED.

NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S & 24-70mm f/2.8 S lenses at CP+ 2019

Unlike other full frame wide angle zooms that start at 14mm, the front element is almost completely flat, this makes it a good lens for video shooters as you can attach a variable ND filter (82mm).

Nikon claims that the NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S has unparalleled control of distortion and chromatic aberration and that anti-reflective Nano Crystal Coatings help reduce ghosting and flare.

NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 S & 24-70mm f/2.8 S lenses at CP+ 2019

I got to try the NIKKOR Z 14-30mm f/4 with the Z7 running beta firmware that included the Eye AF. The lens was nice to use and its lightweight, compact size was well suited to the Z7 or Z6. Nikon has spent a great deal of time optimizing focus breathing on all of their new Z mount lenses, which is good news for video shooters.

The lens appears to be nice sharp and I was able to compare it directly against the Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8G ED that was mounted on a D850. To my eye, the lenses looked very similar in terms of wide-angle distortion and sharpness. I couldn’t notice any real world difference in the autofocus performance between the two lenses and camera systems.

誰說書生 2019-3-7 22:25:37 你講乜 唔通無反用ovf ?
定你想得翻live view ?
russellWestbrook 2019-3-7 22:33:10 淨用lv 無問題呀,我之前用a99 開始用到a7r3都係用liveview, 慳電d , mon 大多野睇,又對眼好d, 低炒高炒又易d... 個人認為係多年的攝影習慣先令大家覺得好似必要咁。。。仲有影緊相唔使好似單反咁咪住ovf, 可以眼觀四面,snapshot 易好多,尤其半攀緊山個時要專登用ovf 真係好痛苦。當然單反都有liveview...但耗電同對焦速度。。
russellWestbrook 2019-3-7 22:40:31 Nikon最高分是MTF 4.4分,總共有4支,'
Nikon AF 50mm F1.8 D
Nikon AIS 55mm F2.8 Macro
Nikon AIS 85mm F1.4
Nikon AIS 105mm F1.8

105.8 搵唔到了
超人Nigga 2019-3-8 01:58:00 幾個星期之前買左Z7

友瑩格 2019-3-8 06:30:44 你覺得好
你理得人地用D5 加856
Archaeology 2019-3-8 10:56:45 1430
烏鴉 2019-3-8 12:37:26 落左訂?


russellWestbrook 2019-3-8 12:40:12 Canon RF 14-21mm f/1.4L 開發中
russellWestbrook 2019-3-8 12:41:25 流出的專利亦同時提及 RF 16-35mm f/2.8L 及 RF 12-20mm f/2L
韋老寶 2019-3-8 12:44:34 大太陽用lcd 好難睇得好清

拎d 重d 既鏡又無咁定

用vf 專注力好過lcd
友瑩格 2019-3-8 13:33:38