amd cpu&gpu 討論post #8
Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 09:38:05 公版果隻flash 其他牌子 bios 其實冇大問題

chh度做左一次實驗 flash vega fe bios


將軍落馬 2019-2-13 09:42:45 岩岩再上去VGA Bios睇多次原來之前走漏眼
終於比我搵到MSI Vega 64 Air Boost Bios 個Device ID同我張56一樣。
今晚返去刷完試下玩Biohazard re 2睇下可唔可以show到我張卡真實VRAM先。
Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 10:37:01 AMD Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 19.Q1: Adds Limited Support for Consumer Radeon Card

This week, AMD released their Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise 19.Q1 WHQL.

Headlining this release, on the heels of the launch of the prosumer-oriented Radeon VII, AMD is introducing Radeon Pro Software compatibility for many of their consumer parts. Under the program, certain Radeon consumer cards, including R5 300, R7, and RX series products will be able to install the Radeon Pro drivers. These products, in turn will be able to access certain professional features of the Radeon Pro drivers, but lack the all-critical certifications and optimizations that typically set the Pro drivers apart. Meanwhile for the new Radeon VII, AMD has announced that support is due soon, but isn't available at lanch.


Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 18:15:01 換左邊個型號?
Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 18:19:45 AMD 官網出左 link 了

BIOS version : AMD Radeon™ VII BIOS V105
紅豆沙冰 2019-2-13 18:21:30 corsair vengeance lpx
hsblawkee 2019-2-13 22:45:48 如果砌部Ryzen 2600本身唔超頻,只用2666Mhz嘅ram真係會令效能差好多嗎?會相差幾多?
Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 22:47:22 不打機冇問題
hsblawkee 2019-2-13 23:00:07 點解打機會有影響?唔係關display card事?
Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 23:01:46
蘭若生春夏 2019-2-13 23:18:40 執咗張RX 570後來諗諗都係配G5400算,求奇執兩條2666都已經夠做


Jacksjoke 2019-2-13 23:37:38 Anandtech 測試左 只會出現係OEM度既 2300x/2500x
蘭若生春夏 2019-2-13 23:41:32 以後無低階CPU
劃地為王裂土稱霸 2019-2-14 00:00:26 睇黎3000mhz 最抵玩
仙女南 2019-2-14 00:31:52 想問下 依家用緊960 2gb 轉570是唔是好不智
Jacksjoke 2019-2-14 00:34:25 不如等 amd navi / nv gtx 1660ti
Jacksjoke 2019-2-14 19:45:45 Techgage 測試左 Radeon VII 既 Workstation & Compute 及 Scientific & Fonancial 性能 有興趣可以睇下

Workstations & Compute :

Scientific & Fonancial :

順便一提 amd 開放左19.2.2 driver 修復 Radeon VII 首發 Driver 問題
劃地為王裂土稱霸 2019-2-14 20:24:30 中史田冇撚左2700
Jacksjoke 2019-2-14 20:24:54 去正都
花たん 2019-2-14 22:49:04 我粒u仲要等幾耐
Jacksjoke 2019-2-14 23:39:23 粒u做咩事


花たん 2019-2-15 00:53:41 zen2 好想快d砌
Jacksjoke 2019-2-15 08:34:24 台北展 5月底先有
花たん 2019-2-15 09:50:26 發佈
凌風 2019-2-15 09:51:49 Yes