愛含者 2019-2-14 23:09:30 我諗KATY PERRY都好難拎GRAMMY了,開始過氣了



愛含者 2019-2-14 23:10:19 Witness先岩
tun 2019-2-14 23:12:24 Alessia Cara: Out of Love
tun 2019-2-14 23:13:22 Selena Gomez joins Sia & Rihanna as the ONLY female artists in HISTORY to have at least 2 songs with over 800 MILLION streams on Spotify!
爵士是未來 2019-2-14 23:20:02 KOL can’t sing
無念 2019-2-14 23:24:35 GIVE ME COLLAB NOW
宇宙滾豆 2019-2-14 23:34:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqjPqsry7no

tun 2019-2-14 23:40:40 Yes
tun 2019-2-14 23:59:02 Queen of doing everything except music
閪客獵人 2019-2-15 00:00:33 https://youtu.be/a1RMiMLDsvQ
好好聽 2000年情歌feel
tun 2019-2-15 00:07:44 “Queen Radio” by Nicki Minaj receives an average 9-10 MILLION listeners each episode — breaking the Apple Music radio record for most listeners. Her show is officially the most popular radio show on the platform.


:’( 2019-2-15 00:10:47 https://open.spotify.com/album/3FrkD0TTaXBuW19vuEhDGz?si=28lN9FWCTdmM7ctyawv_vw
Avril Lavigne - Head Above Water (Album)
牛愛行後樓梯 2019-2-15 00:11:26

tun 2019-2-15 00:12:14 希望係full of bops
:’( 2019-2-15 00:12:27

Shitty album name
:’( 2019-2-15 00:12:46 SIXTEEN TRACKS
tun 2019-2-15 00:13:21 Justin Bieber is reportedly receiving treatment for ‘depression’, People reports.

“He struggles a lot with the idea of fame—being followed, having his every move stalked by fans, cameras in his face. It all sets him off and he often feels like everyone is out to get him.”
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-15 00:14:56 其實你地知唔知今日CD WAREHOUSE已經偷跑開賣
not my pic
:’( 2019-2-15 00:15:23 唔知 咁快手
tun 2019-2-15 00:16:48 Facebook冇話返貨 又要買碟了
If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-15 00:17:55 PRISM後半張
第二 為希拉里將KP4回爐重造

第三 而家佢個Team都開始攰 好多嘢都已經冇巔峰時期即刻處理



If.U.Seek.Amy 2019-2-15 00:18:31 偷跑好似唔計入銷量
tun 2019-2-15 00:19:21 Avril bb
:’( 2019-2-15 00:22:37 應該冇乜人知有得賣嘅

:’( 2019-2-15 00:23:42 .@LadyGaga’s new cosmetics line ‘Haus Beauty’ is now confirmed to launch very soon! 💄💋💅

“We‘re excited for our launch because we have got some absolute superstars as part of this company, people that have true expertise in the area.” - Nicole Quinn, Feb 2019

Everyone is doing this now