Ariana Grande討論區(1) - Sweetener + Thank U, Next Combined Era
tun 2019-2-9 17:27:38 Drake’s “Scorpion” A-Side did 63M in the first day with the same 12 songs and much more promo, so... (quote from Twitter)


tun 2019-2-9 17:34:43 Ariana Grande “thank u, next” Interview
tun 2019-2-9 17:37:21 Update: she occupies THE ENTIRE TOP 10 on the global Apple Music chart
tun 2019-2-9 19:42:53 All 12 tracks from TUN flood the Spotify Global Chart, with all charting top 15

Also, it floods the Spotify Hong Kong Chart, with all charting top 25
名井南的彩瑛 2019-2-9 19:51:49 竟然有連登Ariana 區..

迪B 2019-2-9 20:14:52
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-9 20:30:59 Global同HK chart嘅排名先後都差唔多
tun 2019-2-9 20:36:08 大家鍾意嘅都應該差唔多
MangoJuicy 2019-2-10 00:30:33 LM
######### 2019-2-10 01:23:43 此回覆已被刪除
tun 2019-2-10 01:35:58 但相反7 rings由頭到尾都冇香港trending過


archangel 2019-2-10 01:39:47 暫時top 5係
Fake smile
Thank U Next
Biiiii畢雯珺 2019-2-10 01:47:31 lm
FreddieMercury 2019-2-10 01:55:36 Ghostin
tun 2019-2-10 02:10:28 Ariana Grande confirms that there are thirty songs for the ‘Sweetener World Tour’ and some of the tracks will be medleys. ‘Bang Bang’ will not be included in the setlist.


另外Bang Bang終於冇咗
tun 2019-2-10 02:13:02 原來佢只係講笑
Bang Bang仲會係度 因為佢話啲fans會投訴佢
tun 2019-2-10 02:52:39 “thank u, next” (album)⁠ ⁠achievements in 24 hours:

• 77 #1’s on iTunes
• all 12 songs on top 15 of Spotify/Apple Music WW & US
• all 12 songs on top 65 of iTunes US
• Fastest album to reach #1 on iTunes US
• Biggest daily debut for a female artist on Spotify US & WW
• 88 on metacritic
ganjaburns 2019-2-10 03:01:10 my fav:
1. buwygf,ib
2. bloodline
3. fake smile
4. ghostin
Jamieson 2019-2-10 06:24:17 max martin
蓋茨個工人 2019-2-10 10:13:58 Top 5:
7 rings
Fake smile
Bad idea
tun 2019-2-10 10:17:07 Ariana Grande’s “thank u, next” is expected to debut with over 300,000 units (100,000 pure copies) in the US!

*According to the first day prediction*

Maybe we can end-up with 350-400K or more!!!!


tun 2019-2-10 10:19:06 發現fake smile同bloodline算係呢度比較多人鍾意嘅side track
tun 2019-2-10 10:21:56 大家有興趣得閒嘅話不妨睇下 個interview好多內容的
其中又有講到thank u, next呢首歌原本有3個version
夏灣拿男孩 2019-2-10 11:38:44 我估下週billboard Ari會佔領 #1 - 7 rings, #2 - buwygf,ib, #4 tun, 另外會佔埋 #8,9,10
tun 2019-2-10 11:55:16 7 rings琴日仲有成1000萬streams 癡線

好驚7 rings block咗“break up” debut唔到第一