Ariana Grande討論區(1) - Sweetener + Thank U, Next Combined Era
tun 2019-3-2 02:24:38 有人係ig po咗佢同shawn嗰日比狗仔隊影嘅相,之後話佢地唔知會唔會係返埋一齊
然後Ari應話大家都當best fd


迪B 2019-3-2 02:38:03 咁好平常渣喎
tun 2019-3-2 02:44:28 UK Singles Chart:
3. break up (-1)
4. 7 rings (-2)
30. thank u,next (re-entry)
哈利波特(麻瓜) 2019-3-2 03:58:20 breathin真係好好聽
tun 2019-3-2 10:49:38 But it flops
deserves top 5 at least
西班牙老母 2019-3-2 12:21:40 so underrated
tun 2019-3-2 12:40:03 Ariana Grande's "thank u, next" is the first pop album to do over 100 million US audio streams in each of its first three weeks!
tun 2019-3-2 12:40:44 “break up” is now eligible Platinum in the US!
tun 2019-3-2 12:42:48 “thank u, next” has now completed 3 consecutive weeks at #1 on the UK Charts its the first female album since Adele's "25" to spend 3 consecutive weeks at #1 in the UK.
tun 2019-3-2 12:49:30 Ariana's most-streamed promotional singles on Spotify:

1. Be Alright — 156,437,446
2. imagine — 140,907,654
3. Let Me Love You — 140,718,446
4. Best Mistake — 124,836,195
5. Almost is Never Enough — 104,869,311
6. the light is coming — 73,945,717
######### 2019-3-2 14:07:45 此回覆已被刪除


tun 2019-3-2 14:09:32 4. 7 rings (-3)***
Thanks for reminding
tun 2019-3-2 14:10:53 Intro / 7 rings - REHEARSAL AUDIO (Sweetener Tour Concept) USE HEADPHONES!
個concept幾正 好似Taylor Swift rep tour嗰陣首...ready for it咁
迪B 2019-3-2 15:16:14 食正哂audio stream條水
tun 2019-3-2 21:23:50 "Rule The World" — Spotify Update

Global #48 (NEW) — +1,481,682 plays

US #19 (NEW) — +854,395 plays

UK #143 (NEW) — +71,089 plays
包皮寶貝 2019-3-2 22:54:55 此回覆已被刪除
tun 2019-3-2 23:12:58 暫時19年應該唔會嚟 去到10月已經有80場 中間仲有啲festival做headliner 佢都要抖下
tun 2019-3-2 23:19:52 The female solo songs with the most days at #1 on Spotify UK:

#1. thank u, next — 42 days
#2. New Rules — 30 days
#3. 7 rings — 23 days
#4. break up with your girlfriend i'm bored — 20 days *so far*

西班牙老母 2019-3-3 00:15:15 望就望2020啦


do you really wanna waste your time?
dont you have better things to do in life?
tun 2019-3-3 00:40:22 Meanwhile get ready for AG6

我地唔使理啲無謂人就得 呢度有更多嘢值得我地關注
西班牙老母 2019-3-3 00:42:53 又諗起佢講笑講過一句自己係the hardest-working 23-year-old person然後又罵戰


tun 2019-3-3 00:44:37 The album “thank u, next” has now surpassed the mark of 1.6 BILLION streams on Spotify!
4月之前實去到2 Billion
Sweetener bye bye
快樂夢工場 2019-3-3 00:45:34 真係要畀ari抖返先再繼續tour

tun 2019-3-3 00:50:40 我都唔介意等到2020 最緊要係佢個狀態!
同埋一定要嚟香港呀 我相信你將香港放係DWT最後一站唔係冇原因架
tun 2019-3-3 02:47:07 'Sweetener' has now surpassed 1.9 billion streams on Spotify.