Ariana Grande討論區(1) - Sweetener + Thank U, Next Combined Era
tun 2019-2-27 02:02:34 She denied it



tun 2019-2-27 02:03:20 About the unreleased song “YOU”
蓋茨個工人 2019-2-27 07:42:02 邊個癲狗係咁負皮
tun 2019-2-27 07:59:48 我想講負皮唔係問題 起碼講下原因嘛 你話我personal opinion你負我冇所謂 但我只係po news / rumour / gossip都比人負就覺得好on9 如果啲人入嚟只係睇熱門留言咁點?完全影響其他人睇重要嘢
tun 2019-2-27 08:06:19 Ariana x 2 Chainz.
tun 2019-2-27 08:12:48 New merch for concert use

tun 2019-2-27 08:17:25 Title: “Rule The World”

If it’s anything like the 7 rings remix we don’t want it
tun 2019-2-27 12:32:36 "Occasionally, rarely, a record comes along that restores our faith. If this is the future of pop-music, then sign me up."

— Drowned In Sound, 90

Metascore: 86 (=)
User score : 8.3
蓋茨個工人 2019-2-27 16:10:03 我諗應該係憎Ari 既人
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-27 20:19:10 tay同ari friend miley同ari又friend 連demi katy camila都係friend
定或者唔關fan base事純粹憎佢
tun 2019-2-27 20:40:48 我覺得自己嘅fav artist同邊個fd又唔代表你又要鍾意埋佢一份嘅
但呢個人真係好得閒 秒住嚟負皮
我地都係唔好比咁多attention呢啲attention seeker


迪B 2019-2-27 20:51:05 連九巴app都有廣告J
tun 2019-2-27 20:59:54 有冇圖
tun 2019-2-27 21:04:15 All tracks from "thank u, next" has now surpassed 30 million streams on Spotify!
迪B 2019-2-27 21:05:16
迪B 2019-2-27 21:05:50 不過個比例拉到好怪
tun 2019-2-27 21:12:15 我開極都係HKTV MALL
tun 2019-2-27 21:20:48 "break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored" hit 100 million views on YouTube. It's Ariana’s 26th music video to achieve this.
likekidsloveyou 2019-2-27 22:11:48 Ariana Grande ‘Yuh’ compilation
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 22:47:43 條辮大嚿到
唔好侮辱維尼 2019-2-27 22:54:05 我諗唔關邊個fan base事啦


西班牙老母 2019-2-27 23:24:38

just dun give a fuck
tun 2019-2-28 00:11:35 iHeart Radio has announced that Ariana Grande will be performing from a special remote location at the 2019 iHeart Awards, which will air LIVE on Thursday, March 14th.

tun 2019-2-28 00:24:21
tun 2019-2-28 01:31:10 Ariana Grande is the 15th biggest female artist and also the most successful youngest artist in digital single sales of all time!