『薪火post』BNO 續期資訊(30) 早續早享受,遲續有排受
az-687 2019-2-14 14:23:44 好正


50年畢變 2019-2-14 15:53:50 幾年前係英國renew本bno 但佢比左本完全無錯版既bc我 我應該點做
事頭婆 2019-2-14 15:56:54
az-687 2019-2-14 16:03:27 睇你想唔想攪返正架姐
利賓納蜜桃味 2019-2-14 16:04:12 順手做埋BC
事頭婆 2019-2-14 16:05:49 一滴 兩滴 三滴
就係咁 我就整好咗本護照喇
50年畢變 2019-2-14 16:09:36 但係事實係 bc一定要有英國出世紙或者入籍紙先係真。bc 如果兩樣都無咁點搞
leChronique 2019-2-14 16:13:04 唔洗證明咪冇人知囉
薛揩油 2019-2-14 16:17:16 你去Passport Office叫佢check清楚咪得囉?
50年畢變 2019-2-14 16:19:19 就係依個問題囉 比佢check 到咁就gg
az-687 2019-2-14 17:03:03 所以咪話睇你有冇心攪返正


杏加剷 2019-2-14 17:16:47 最近有冇BNO巴絲去慕尼黑,行EU順利嗎?
50年畢變 2019-2-14 18:51:17 如果唔搞返正咁應該點做?
連登老納 2019-2-14 19:59:24 Hong Kong Watch


Hong Kong Watch invites you to join us for an upcoming roundtable on the rights of British National (Overseas) passport holders. The event will be hosted by Lord Alton of Liverpool and is set to take place in the House of Lords on the 4th March 2019, starting at 1800.

**Seats are very limited. Priority will be given to all Bronze, Silver or higher level subscribers, and we will confirm your attendance by sending you a ticket.**

To find out how to support us through subscription see https://www.hongkongwatch.org/subscribe.

SIGN UP TO GET A TICKET: https://www.hongkongwatch.org/events

As of 31 December 2017, there are 152,350 Hong Kongers who hold a BNO passport. At the roundtable, we will examine the existing rights conferred by the passport and discuss how more rights could be extended.

Confirmed speakers include:

Lord Alton of Liverpool: A British Politician, and formerly a Liberal MP, Lord Alton of Liverpool has campaigned for the rights of BNO passport holders since the 1980s. He is a patron of Hong Kong Watch and will be hosting the panel.

Andrew Rosindell MP: Andrew Rosindell is the Conservative MP for Romford and the Chairman of the Right of Abode for Former British Hong Kong Servicemen All Parties Parliamentary Group. He will be talking specifically on the campaign for the extension of the right of abode to ex-servicemen from Hong Kong.

Benedict Rogers: The Chairman of Trustees at Hong Kong Watch, and Deputy Chair of the Conservative Party Human Rights Commission. He will be examining what protections the UK government should be giving BNO holders in view of the recent erosion of human rights in the territory.

Aileen Calverley: A Trustee of Hong Kong Watch, and the Chair of BNO Community of Hong Kong Watch Subscribers. She will examine existing rights under the BNO, including the right to marry under the UK laws; the right to join the civil services, British Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force; the entitlement to seek consular assistance outside China; and the right to vote in local and parliamentary elections; and how to set the road map to extend the rights of BNO holders.

Other roundtable attendees: Representatives from five BNO advocacy groups will travel from Hong Kong to give a presentation on their submitted proposals on the extension of rights of BNO holders including the right of abode.
ぜんぜんだめ 2019-2-14 20:01:11 用本BC去荷蘭 德國等等 (自己LIKE 既EU國) 申請居留(3月29日前)
事頭婆 2019-2-14 20:04:02 此回覆已被刪除
小湊るう子 2019-2-14 20:05:58 黎小姐?
事頭婆 2019-2-14 20:14:33
我係蘇東paul 2019-2-14 20:15:39 終於送達,等緊轉status
az-687 2019-2-14 20:17:03 上便出哂名呀....刪圖吧
小湊るう子 2019-2-14 20:21:17 na.cx 點刪?


事頭婆 2019-2-14 20:29:37
az-687 2019-2-14 20:31:52 冇野既....名姐...又唔係全名
里中晴 2019-2-14 21:27:28 你同佢講 事頭婆都要副簽?

事頭婆 2019-2-14 21:28:12