從Lana Del Rey 歌中找尋反女權的道路
姬絲坦奴(登機) 2019-2-4 12:46:19 戀父到痴線嘅歌,有機會嘅話研究下

kill kill呢隻碟元素太多,要講一陣我又俾人周我唔識扮識


TheFall 2019-2-4 12:56:56 超鍾意kill kill果種無力感
MattMercer 2019-2-4 13:02:31 好飄
Hjarta 2019-2-4 13:19:21 扮乜嘢老屎忽叫人聽咗先講啫 上連登就一定未聽過? 佢用lana del rey出道嗰時我夠碟都有埋連lizzy grant都有聽啦

有幾多artist會淨係玩單一genre 大把唔多唔少都掂到pop

想有人照顧唔代表一定係anti feminism

你自己都quote咗 “My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”

人地咪就係do whatever she wants然後其他人唔應該judge佢囉
姬絲坦奴(登機) 2019-2-4 21:17:28 每首歌講完我都會試理解下點解女權唔鐘意咁寫,同埋我係點欣賞佢實踐“My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.”

由kill kill ep 電子曲風帶藍調,Born to die Hollywood Sadcore 嘅風格
The proverbial stakes are raised to grander levels and everything suddenly seems more important; additionally, it seems as though this is almost like a modern, corrupt version of Nancy Sinatra's more rebellious lyrics from her heyday. While the borderline-trashy lines can get overbearing at times, they aren't nearly as bad as a large chunk of pop artists' lyrics today, particularly with dance pop or pop-influenced hip-hop (or vice versa).
而ultraviolence 歸類Psychedelic rock, dream pop, desert rock
She has introduced previously untasted flavors to pop music (her slow, torchy genre of choice might best be described as “Calvin Klein Eternity commercial”)
She has pulled back on nods to hip-hop and hired a new gun: the Black Keys‘ Dan Auerbach, who produced most of the LP at his Nashville studio. Auerbach introduces dashes of bad ass blues and psychedelic guitar, but Del Rey – who co-wrote every song but the closing cover of Jessie Mae Robinson’s 1950s hit “The Other Woman” – holds tight to her pouty, cinematic aesthetic: the epic schmaltz of Ennio Morricone, reflected through the haze of a thousand dramatic selfies.
from Rollingstone 都講到佢帶俾pop music 一種新口味,而且佢係隻碟投入hip hop元素
到honeymoon 第四隻碟
“Honeymoon” is the next step of the singer’s persona evolution. The melodramatic strings bring back “Young & Beautiful” baroque vibes, while Del Rey’s familiar vocal quaver sounds sucked dry of any playful light.
the Verge review
Lana Del Rey has been teasing bits of her third full-length for months now, but its first official single — the album's title track — is finally here. "Honeymoon" is a torturously slow bit of blue-hued soul that languishes in the kind of patient sorrow Lana Del Rey does best. And, at 6 minutes long, there's plenty of room for her to stretch out in.
兩段review 都提及藍調,巴洛克流行
Honeymoon finds Del Rey reverting, after the more atomised, individual characters of last year’s Ultraviolence, to a composite persona closer to the dissolute subject of her Born to Die debut. Not only does her vocal delivery remain the same throughout, but also its protagonist’s “voice”; while the emotional impact of what might sometimes be traumatic developments seems somehow damped, as if experienced through a narcotised haze. Happy or sad, angry or apologetic, dominant or submissive, it’s apparently all the same to Del Rey, who floats through these songs with a weird indifference. It lends a sort of Stepford devotion to the more earnestly romantic songs

衛報評論 lust of life
But, in the current climate of laborious genre-hopping and guest vocals on throwaway chart tracks, Del Rey has remained a mystery.

其實好多外文都評價佢大碟複雜性以及佢自己創造嘅獨特性,淨係From wiki 都唔會直接將佢就咁歸類落pop/rock/indie
其實係歌曲genre 佢幾隻大碟都好複雜,因為用上嘅元素太多,藍調 trip hop baroque pop等等等等,唔計電影歌曲,每隻大碟rolling stone 對佢嘅第一印都唔係pop/ rock/ indie,反而係多數主力評價佢點樣運用呢D元素佢創立自己風格以及詞上面嘅痛苦嘅浪漫、苦澀、慾望和暴力
係女權方面,佢自己講過佢寧願關心tesla 都唔想主動去關心女權,佢亦曾經講過佢心目中嘅女權就係好簡單,想做就做就係女權。而至於點解女權唔鐘意佢D詞,我上面有講到。可能個標題定我唔好,但antifeminism 係人地幫佢冠上嘅野黎
In her interview with Franco, Del Rey says that “the luxury we have as a younger generation is being able to figure out where we want to go from here, which is why I’ve said things like, ‘I don’t focus on feminism, I focus on the future.’
想有人照顧真係唔一定anti feminism,但事實佢歌詞上真係好重male-dominance
你google lana del rey anti feminism其實已經可以搵到好多內容 呢個係好好嘅討論
Hjarta 2019-2-4 21:57:19 我咪講咗有幾多artist會淨係玩單一genre 大把唔多唔少都掂到pop
求其抽你一句 She has introduced previously untasted flavors to pop music (her slow, torchy genre of choice might best be described as “Calvin Klein Eternity commercial”) 咁咪講緊佢喺pop嘅genre入面帶來新變化囉 但唔代表佢係冇pop喎


’IN THE STUDIO WE SPOKE POLITICS‘ Lana Del Rey says Donald Trump helped shape her album Lust for Life — and the world needs feminism more than ever

Her track God Bless America was influenced by Republicans’ attacks on women’s rights.

Lana says: “That is a great symbol of a song that is just about what the title says.

“At the time, I was thinking about the US where women were so vocal online and my friends in person.

“This was before the Women’s Marches and when there was some rhetoric being thrown around that everyone was uncomfortable with.

What if they took away Planned Parenthood and birth control and shut down clinics?

“What are women supposed to do? So before the women’s marches started, I wrote that song very quickly and Rick loved it. It has really cool earth-tone keyboards on there. It feels like a good grounded song.”

When quizzed in the past about her views on feminism, Lana has not been keen to discuss it.

She doesn’t like labels or being labelled as anything.

Today she says: “In my life I’ve got a sister and surrogate sisters. Things like that. Women have always been such a big part of my life.

“We were always just friends, there was never much need to rally. If there ever was a time, it really does feel like now and people are doing that.”

Lana, 32, adds: “When I was in my early and mid-twenties, I didn’t really know what place I was going to go to as a woman.

“I don’t know if I’m going to get married. You’re still figuring things out. When I was younger in school, the word ‘feminism’ wasn’t really used.

“But it was a very important word for my mother’s generation. It’s a way more relevant question in the last eight months than it was five years ago.

Honestly, now it’s my pleasure to talk about it. It feels more of a question that is relevant rather than something that could be used as a grenade against me, which sometimes I am willing to sacrifice just to annoy someone.
Hjarta 2019-2-4 21:59:25 https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/8xndgp/lana-del-rey-tells-james-franco-that-feminism-is-39obvious39-uk-translation

In the new interview with Franco, Del Rey — somewhat opaquely — defended these comments on the grounds that in this day and age, feminist principles should be ‘obvious’: “The luxury we have as a younger generation is being able to figure out where we want to go from here, which is why I’ve said things like, ‘I don’t focus on feminism, I focus on the future,’” the singer told the actor. “It’s not to say that there’s not more to do in that area. I’ve gotten to witness through history the evolution of so many movements and now I’m standing at the forefront of new technological movements,” adding: “I’m not undermining other issues. But I feel like that’s obvious, like I shouldn’t even have to bring that up.


In a way I did what I had to do in terms of chronicling my own stories. You know, I wasn’t happy with how a lot of my own story went up until recently, so I didn’t always like the way I was putting things, but it was just the way it was, you know? I don’t know if that’s feminism, but it is what it was. One of the issues I had over the last 10 years was there weren’t that many options to be super vocal and powerful without a lot of backlash and repercussions. It was a very male-dominated environment at certain times. That’s why I think this whole movement is so important — the people that don’t get the #MeToo movement are just, I don’t get them. I don’t get those people. It’s like, do you not get how hard it is sometimes just to sort of be safe and have your own voice as a woman?
Hjarta 2019-2-4 21:59:46 What I really appreciate about the movement in general right now is that a lot of behaviors or things that are normalized, women are realizing are not normal.

I would totally agree with that.

There’s a huge difference between condoning something and reflecting something, which is why I think it was important to talk about “Ultraviolence.”

I agree. ... I had a really tough interview with The Fader magazine where this guy was hammering me on feminism, the word, and I knew he wanted me to say I’m not a feminist — he was just jabbing away at it. And what I wanted to say [is], this is just my experience in my own relationships thus far. ... It’s not going to be my full story. I mean, that’s why I’ve been polarizing, because people don’t want to look at the broader picture sometimes, they want to just stick to the facts. But that’s been a really good lesson for me, because I think when I was younger I thought, “I’m not going to edit my own music. This is just what came out.” And now I’m like, “What the hell am I doing? I’m not gonna say that.”

都重未計好多人覺得lana del rey係一個personality/persona純粹玩satire去批評american dream
新北市 2019-2-4 22:31:16 自從上次留左言之後就一直心思思想討論hope is a dangerous thing for woman like me to have, 如果有興趣不妨由提到既Sylvia plath開始認識

HIADTFWLM有提到兩個人名,第一個係Slim Aarons,專為上流雜誌做攝影。
第二個就係主角Sylvia Plath(1932-1963),一個透過詩歌記錄經歷訴說心聲既美國女詩人。佢敬愛既爸爸,係八歲既時候就因病離開左,造成佢心中既創傷同思念,佢處於人生唔同階段既時候依然時時回首。尤其係第一本詩集巨神像(The Colossus),佢重組番父親既形象,但處處透露又憎又愛既情緒,
在碼頭空茫的石上 。 」-Colossus

到後來,佢以優異既成為離開Boston去New york讀書,識到個校草做老公,同時亦第一名畢業。但當同老公番鄉下生左一胎之後,敏感既母親突然明白生來即死別,而且佢唔甘於自己從此以後要做平凡既主婦,每日勞勞碌碌做免費女傭,加上後來發現老公外遇,令詩人脆弱地精神崩潰,試圖自殺,包括食藥、無望地游出大海,最後被送到精神病院進行電療、什至係腦既部分切除手術。


到詩人出院既時候,佢帶住兩個小朋友搬走,然後寫左佢既自傳小說鐘形罩(The Bell Jar),鐘形罩係當時醫院用黎保存畸形嬰兒既容器,有夭折、窒息、變形既象徵,其中曾提到女主角試過半夜在街上發瘋。


即使是一堆白骨也好 。」 -Father


新北市 2019-2-4 22:36:01 Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

I was reading Slim Aarons and I got to thinking that I thought
Maybe I’d get less stressed if I was tested less like all of these debutantes
Smiling for miles in pink dresses and high heels on white yachts
But I‘m not, baby, I’m not
No, I‘m not, that, I’m not

I‘ve been tearing around in my fucking nightgown
24/7 Sylvia Plath
全天候像Sylvia Plath
Writing in blood on the walls
’Cause the ink in my pen don‘t work in my notepad
Don’t ask if I‘m happy, you know that I’m not
But at best, I can say I‘m not sad
’Cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have
Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

I had fifteen-year dances
Church basement romances, yeah, I‘ve cried
Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums
Is the only love I’ve ever known
Except for the stage, which I also call home, when I‘m not
Servin’ up God in a burnt coffee pot for the Triad
Hello, it‘s the most famous woman you know on the iPad
Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say, “Hi, Dad”
新北市 2019-2-4 22:36:40 I‘ve been tearing up town in my fucking white gown
Like a goddamn near sociopath
Shaking my ass is the only thing that’s
Got this black narcissist off my back
She couldn’t care less, and I never cared more
So there‘s no more to say about that
Except hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have
Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman with my past

There’s a new revolution, a loud evolution that I saw
Born of confusion and quiet collusion of which mostly I‘ve known
A modern day woman with a weak constitution, ’cause I‘ve got
Monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off
A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off

I’ve been tearing around in my fucking nightgown
24/7 Sylvia Plath
Writing in blood on your walls
‘Cause the ink in my pen don’t look good in my pad
They write that I‘m happy, they know that I’m not
But at best, you can see I‘m not sad
But hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have

Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have
Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have
But I have it
Yeah, I have it
Yeah, I have it
I have


Hjarta 2019-2-4 22:50:54 啱啱呢排先重睇緊the bell jar

封底: “She finds herself spiralling into depression and eventually a suicide attempt, as she grapples with difficult relationships and a society which refuses to take women’s aspirations seriously

Btw “Maybe I’d get less stressed if I was tested less like all of these debutantes“係講緊佢唔想好似上流社會嘅debutantes咁要面對咁多scrutiny 佢地一啲都唔輕鬆

因為以前啲貴族debutantes十幾歲就要好多嘢學又要熟禮儀 之後要搞ball去 present俾上流社會同人交際
copy埋genius有逐句嘅commentary https://genius.com/16182447
Tim_bergling 2019-2-4 23:03:21 明明係連登最常睇起女權嘅就係啲男user
新北市 2019-2-5 13:49:06 睇完個種絕望會down半日...我反而最有印象係I listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.
用到old bray呢個字個種蒼涼又無人問津,只係想釋放本來既自己I am, I am who I am.
Btw debutants個句真係我老眼昏花sorly

嘩genius個個唔錯 有啲位我譯都唔係好肯定岩唔岩

你最近聽緊佢邊首~?佢ig leak左新歌既開頭都好正..
不過我懷舊聽緊for k

森無無∅ 2019-2-6 08:49:34 未睇呢個post之前:啲人話lana係 anti-feminist係過份解讀,feminist既問題係好多時都過份解讀

睇完樓主之後:又話lana係anti-feminist又幾make sense wo

likekids 2019-2-7 11:55:58 好鍾意west coast同shades of cool
前者個arrangement後者個咬字演繹 爽到癲
苦樂滲半 2019-2-20 00:32:44 樓主可唔可以再分析多幾首
男兒當打交 2019-2-20 00:42:09 lm
西班牙老母 2019-2-20 00:43:42 呢個post好高質
快樂夢工場 2019-2-20 00:46:09 竟然有人留意我媽咪
Aimyon世界第一 2019-2-20 00:46:56 以前日日聽Lana Del Rey


まいやん彼氏 2019-2-20 00:47:28 聽開summertime sadness
朱迪警長 2019-2-20 01:05:57 睇完lolita套電影
好迷off to the races
朱迪警長 2019-2-20 01:07:54 Lm
快樂夢工場 2019-2-20 01:21:41 以前Lana好鐘意老一輩嘅男人,成日喺佢啲歌到提Daddy呢隻字。但係自從佢攞咗billboard女權獎,佢就冇乜點出呢啲歌,反而出返啲”God Bless America- And all the beautiful women in it”等比較politically correct嘅歌

Btw 可唔可以講下cola, 佢單單”my pussy tastes like pepsi cola”呢句已經迷倒可多人