IT討論區(56) I巴條數何時了
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 00:08:36 咁lucene又真係java寫既...


i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-2-11 00:08:38
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 00:09:13 有,我樓下看更亭
答沉船 2019-2-11 00:09:21
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 00:09:57 睇錯順序 sor
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 00:11:12 Call restful API
答沉船 2019-2-11 00:12:24 寫game既Unity 咪 c# framework
i-vtec 2019-2-11 00:12:44 有,我樓下看更亭
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-2-11 00:33:43
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 00:36:21 Call我自己寫既image search API
Angular 2019-2-11 01:07:09 數左Android未


Angular 2019-2-11 01:09:11 需求多左係因為Data Science同AI
你唔係做呢兩野想係香港搵到份python 工都幾難
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-2-11 01:11:42
Angular 2019-2-11 01:14:55 其實呢個係一個陰謀黎
Google之類既大公司面試考algorithm同CS theory係為左filter走d畢業左好耐既老野
讓位專員 2019-2-11 01:19:42
Code4Food 2019-2-11 01:20:19 It depends on problems and it is not always a simple yes or no. For the Fibonacci numbers, if you want exact results instead of floating point approximations, we need to use big integers for n roughly bigger than 100 on 64-bit machines. For 32 bit machines the bound is less than 50. If you restrict yourself in this range, you may just use something simpler than algorithm with the best time complexity under a O(1) arithmetic assumption.
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-2-11 01:25:13
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 01:43:08 唔係話比人告
手一黏便緊(UTC+9 2019-2-11 01:44:47

Code4Food 2019-2-11 03:07:49 畢咗業好耐嘅老野揮手

其實我自己鍾意問應徵者CS theories同algorithms問題多過問system design。
i-vtec 2019-2-11 04:33:47 高層IN人


Code4Food 2019-2-11 05:09:37 計層數頂多中層。
不過我計職級係不低過90%技術職位員工。我公司tech ladder越高越少人,最高個幾個level勁少人。Interview會叫全公司唔同人做,有D高過我嘅都要interview。我連intern都有時要interview,同D讀緊U嘅朋友仔吹下algorithms。
青花瓷 2019-2-11 07:21:03 有,我全職python
i-vtec找J/屎眼數 2019-2-11 08:10:51 早晨IT 狗們
曲莖通優 2019-2-11 08:14:47 此回覆已被刪除